Thoughts of a Panda Rabbit

Panda Rabbit's diary- Crafting, Internet, Technology, Anime, Manga, Video Games, and more!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011~!

Wishing a very happy Thanksgiving to all of you!  It's been quite a year, but even though things constantly change, the fact that I have so much to be grateful for hasn't changed at all.  On a micro to macro level, the things to be grateful for seem to be as countless as the stars in the sky, a fact that we can be grateful for in itself.

"...but it's a lonely little chain/if you don't add to it..."

But aside life in itself being a miracle, it would be a very lonely and difficult existence without the company of good friends and family.  For that reason, I am dedicating this post to some of the little and big things that my friends and family have done for me this year (and in the past) that I was truly thankful for.


~Parents:  For all the delicious meals and food, for working hard to provide both necessary and unnecessary things (like gifts) for me and my sister, for taking my packages to the post office, taking me to appointments, etc, etc.  <3

~Sister:  It sure would be a lonely and miserable existence without you, even if you drive me absolutely crazy with your messes and carelessness and ... ok, I'll stop here.  xD  

Some acts of kindness and awesomeness by friends this year that were greatly appreciated

[I listed some specific people in some instances, but many of you fit many of these]

~Random voice memo texts and calls just to let me know that I am loved <3
~Waking up to texts wishing me an awesome day or hoping that I feel better

~Surprise Valentines day cards (and a gift) from 3 very awesome friends  (Sarah/Eric/Mitsuki)

~The understanding and support from people when I was going through really scary or difficult times, from everything from being heartbroken to my first time selling things at an anime convention to excruciating tooth pain or having a really bad cold

~Getting surprise letters (one that contained Pokemon Emerald) in the mail just because he noticed that I was feeling down and/or just because I mentioned that I never was able to finish Pokemon Sapphire [due to it being lost]  (Habib)

~Long Fb chat & email/GIM/Skype/Pingchat/Gaia forum conversations at literally all times of day 

~Getting tax/business advice from a bookkeeper/accountant friend that helped me open my Etsy shop (Sandy)

~My art being supported  and/or by buying my creations and/or commissioning me  <3

~Donating a Gaia item worth 1 million+ gold to me (Habib)

~Getting phone calls from super busy friends just because they could tell that I was hurting or upset 

~Being told that they wouldn't accept more than $100 for a like-new 3DS + 2 games because I am their friend (Kamadashi)

~The dedication and patience of my remaining email/IRL penpals (Brandon/Fly)

~Waking up early almost every day during a part of the summer in order to go on Gaia and talk to me <3

~Downloading and playing Maple Story with me <3

~Wanting to/taking time to play any game with me 

~Reading my blog posts  ;P

~Actually getting and trying to give me an omamori that we joked about for so long

~Always offering to look for and ship me me art supplies I need or want  <3  (Mitsuki)

~Being valued, respected, and cared for without exception

~Dropping by my house and talking with me because I wasn't well enough to go to Costco (lol) with him, giving me a packet of powered vitamin water mix after having mentioned that I didn't have any sort of sports drink to keep me hydrated while having a cold.  (panda pal #2 )  

~Remembering and trying hard to keep her end of a trade, even though I told her that she didn't need to.  <3 (Mana)

~Being a trustworthy, considerate, and reliable friend  <3

~Always driving me around and being super cool about my precarious health when hanging out (Eric)

~Much, much more

Love you guys, I'm truly grateful and thankful to have people like you in my life.  =)

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