Thoughts of a Panda Rabbit

Panda Rabbit's diary- Crafting, Internet, Technology, Anime, Manga, Video Games, and more!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I snack on charcoal.

Open house across the street tomorrow...  *hint hint*  ;P
★★★★★★★★★★★★★SNACK  STUFF ★★★★★★★

I snack on [bamboo]charcoal [nuts].

And it's pretty good tasting, too.  (well, all things considering)
"Bamboo charcoal is extraordinary micro-structure produce. It has many pores, making it excellent for absorption. It can absorb and decompose fat, nitride, and other harmful substances. This product, using Maozhu bamboo charcoal and Macadamia Nut, has been approved by Industrial Technology Research Institute for food inspection."  

Who doesn't love Pocky?  Kids even love the taste of the box.
(Photo courtesy of my friend, Belle)
★★★★★★★★★★★★★CRAFT  STUFF ★★★★★★★

Today was the 29th, you know what that means!  Yep, I got to de-mold my resin casts!  Much to my relief, the mixing was done properly, so everything set! All that's left is to add some finishing touches, and I'll be able to make a nice sakura-themed (or colored) cell phone strap for Mitsuki's commission~!
After de-molding, I carefully clean off excess resin with my
diamond file
Not intended for the keychain, but I liked
how it turned out
Adding the finishing touches

BIG NEWS~!  My mom cleaned out a huge
part of my dad's mess to set up a crafting
table just for me!!!  <3  <3 <3

★★★★★★★★★★★★★TECH  STUFF ★★★★★★★

So.  Two mysterious things happened today, both involving Skype.  
1.)  Even though I didn't realize this until AFTER I was talking with my friend for a bit, he had actually requested me on Facebook messaging (I wasn't really on) to go on Skype at 5:01 PM (my time), but I logged in almost immediately after that, even though I rarely log in during the daytime. 

2.)  Aforementioned friend was creeped out because he was reading true urban myths and wanted company, but had to settle for video calling.  He felt a little better... until I we both noticed a mysterious ticking that sounded reminiscent of water/liquid dripping that would seem to grow closer and louder for a while before fading away and disappearing for a random interval of time. 

At first, I thought that it was a clock on HIS side, but then he asked me about the noise and we both freaked out because it was coming from neither of our sides, even though to each, the noise was coming from the other's side.  O_O  I must say, even though it was most likely something Skype-related... that was pretty creepy.  
Don't kill me, and no, this isn't revenge
for taking all those snapshots of me.
I just think that it's a cool shot.  c:

In less creepy news:
After months of wanting to do a video chat, me and Belle finally had a fun night talking.  And PingChatting.  On Skype.  Haha.  She sent me a picture of one of the most ...interesting... (not to mention ultra-sparkly) Halloween costumes.  
Skyping on our computers and PingChatting on our iTouches.
Cause we're just talented like that.
"I'm going as a SEA MONKEY for Halloween this year."

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