Thoughts of a Panda Rabbit

Panda Rabbit's diary- Crafting, Internet, Technology, Anime, Manga, Video Games, and more!

Friday, December 2, 2011

First day of December

December 1st.  (And no partridge in a pear tree.
Oh wait, no "true love" either, much less a boyfriend.  >_> ) 

 Almost the end of the year!  >.<  Time to put up the advent calendar that my Grandmother made and has been put up every December since my Mom was a kid~

Really quiet day.  Could have been a lot better in some respects, but whatever.  >_>  Not in the best of moods today.  Hormones are not helping.  xD  I was especially happy, however, to randomly get texts from Habib, Belle and (out of absolutely nowhere) Kamadashi, since I was starting to feel generally frustrated because it seems lately that people (including my new texting pal  ; w ; ) don't text me unless I text them, in which cases, it often feels like I'm bothering them. 

But hey, I know, it's a really crazy time of year.  People are busy as heck, sick (and sick as heck), and it's almost finals time. It's not that I don't understand or am demanding more attention, but it's just this crummy feeling that it's been a while since someone sounded like someone actually really missed or wanted to talk to me in particular, you know?

Lately, it feels like even when friends do talk to me, it's just because I texted them, they're bored, because their lovers/other friends are busy at the time, and that I'm often the only one really happy to be talking to them.  (non-passive aggressive/sarcastic) But hey, what can you do?  I'll just have to suck it up and stop being such a panda pansy, lol. [/griping]   Cause I do love hearing from you guys whenever you do want to/ have time to talk... Maybe I just need a boyfriend, lol.  x__x;  (mostly joking)

How a panda pansy would look?  
But anyway.    

Two more packages came in the mail today, yay.  My lego block ice cube tray (that I want to make gummies or soap with), and my wing charms all the way from France!  <3

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ CRAFTING   ★★★★★★★

Ohhhhhh mannnn, I'm just dying to post about my pictures and progress of the Christmas gifts that I'm making for people, but a few of you actually read my posts.  xp  So instead, here is a picture that I took a month or two ago.  ; w ;

But yes!  I'm going to be sending out my first batch of Christmas gifts and cards to my friends on the mainland within the next week! <3

★★★★★★★★★★★★★INTERNET   ★★★★★★★

Watch out.  First, there was being Rickroll'D.  Now, there's the danger of being NickRoll'D.  

"It now appears that Rick Astley has some competition for his meme crown as the NickRoll is here, and it’s awful.

Nickelback’s latest travesty song, When We Stand Together, is being passed around the Internet, but not necessarily because people like it. Just like the the RickRoll, people are being directed to the video under the assumption that it’s something that they’d actually like to watch. Sadly they’re greeted with the Chad Kroeger repetitiously screeching the word 'Yeah'."  

Oh, Nickelback.  

Oh.  And after having signed up for RedditGifts, I also subscribed to their facebook page.  So checking my news feed today, I saw that someone participating in the secret santa exchange this had been given a cruise.  Yes, a freaking CRUISE trip.  Um, wow.  This secret santa exchange is truly scary.  You can get anything from paperclips and boxes of dirt to a cruise trip.  Mind=blown.

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