Thoughts of a Panda Rabbit

Panda Rabbit's diary- Crafting, Internet, Technology, Anime, Manga, Video Games, and more!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Minecraft lesson day

Got a medium flat rate box full of supplies in the mail today from the lovely Mitsuki today, yaaaay~!  Thanks so much (as always), dear!!  >w<  <3  

~Christmas cards/packages sent out:
-Panda pal #3

~Christmas cards/packages ready to be mailed out on the next postal run:
-Rainbow goat princess

★★★★★★★★★★★★★ GAMES   ★★★★★★★

Some way or another, it turned into Minecraft day!  Felt really burnt out from making gifts and talking on Gaia for the weekend (sorry guys, I'll get back to you ASAP!  Dx) and not feeling so well (stomach still kind of upset, blegh), so I spent most day in a type of Minecraft lessons oblivion.

Earlier in the afternoon was spent with Minecraft teacher Gidras05 (and his pack of wolves, who ended up killing me 2-3 times [I was trying to hit the trees/dirt/etc!! Dx ] )

Spent half the time getting killed, then a lot of the basics, making a set of tools, smelting, cooking.

After Gidras left, had his pack of wolves to keep me company during a rainstorm...

...but I just love exploring underground!!  *w*  -->
"Rainbles tried to swim in lava"  >_>
(I accidentally fell in)

ooooh, what have I found? *w*  but man, I hope that I can get back out.. ^^;;

Later on that evening, my friend SpecOpsSR got his server up and running, so I hopped servers for round two of my Minecraft lessons, tree branching in mines, how to make/use ladders, learning how to upload texture packs (the one I tried froze my game, I think..), what fishing is like, and built a little rail cart track to show me how it worked.  Riding it made me dizzy.  @.@  


  1. Hey, Rainbow.
    You got an award from me.
    Check out my latest entry about it.
