Thoughts of a Panda Rabbit

Panda Rabbit's diary- Crafting, Internet, Technology, Anime, Manga, Video Games, and more!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Goodbye, Mr. Sun

Start of November and frequent downpours
As if on cue, the start of November was accompanied by the start of heavy and sudden downpours; coupled with the early setting of the sun and my nocturnal habits, I've hardly seen the sun in the last few days.  However, there's something strange about it being pitch dark outside at only 6:30 PM, it makes the day seem so much longer in an ironic way, so I may start to shifting back to my normal sleeping schedule...

★★★★★★★★★★★★★FOOD  STUFF ★★★★★★★

Anyone may know my regard for mochi anpan.  Or perhaps you don't.  So I'm telling you now- I absolutely LOVE mochi anpan.  Or did, up til now.  For the first time yesterday, I had one that I just didn't enjoy.  Maybe it was because I wasn't feeling all that well, or just that I was unlucky for getting one that only had anko on one side, but not being able to enjoy one of my favorite snacks was a little disheartening.  :,(

★★★★★★★★★★★★★PRP BUSINESS  STUFF ★★★★★★★
With Halloween past and the Christmas ads out, my blood pressure shot up just thinking about all the stuff that I have to do this holiday season.  Today, I did some much-needed cleaning and organization of my supplies and products, and emailed people who I am holding things for.  After that, I did some prep work so I can build up a small inventory of plushies to have on hand to sell, since I won't have time to do so in a short while.  Still have that medium mochi commission to fill out, augh!  Thinking about selling some of my extra stuff on Ebay if they have that listing discount special running still.


-ahem-  that being announced, moving on...

★★★★★★★★★★★★★INTERNET  STUFF ★★★★★★★

Woo!  My beezag cash came in!
"I earned $11 watching ads!"  :D

SERVICE (or lack thereof)
Ok.  Even though I had my suspicions due to the ever-decreasing quality of my internet service especially as of late (which I didn't really think was possible), I was informed today that the good people at my internet provider company, Hawaii Telcom, are going to go on strike.  If this doesn't convince my parents to switch to Roadrunner (or at least attempt to transfer the phone account holder information so that we CAN switch), nothing will, I suspect.

 Even though the circumstances aren't the same, I'm forcefully reminded of this Penny Arcade strip:
Seriously, how would I be able to tell?!?
On a lighter note, during my periodic perusal of the Japanese site, Pixiv, I noticed the unusual presence of Krillin (and just plain unusuallness) in the daily rankings .  Was it his birthday today?  *googles*  Hmm, yep, I think so!  the November 4th.  Happy birthday!  You got some pretty interesting fanart to celebrate. ... No, wait, "Guririn"?!?  Isn't that the parody Krillin from Gintama?  And he explodes?!?  Poor Krillin.

what is this, I don't even...
he's not even the main subject in this one.  
Maybe people are just in a weird mood today.
The Colonel has never looked so kick-@$$
★★★★★★★★★★★★★PURCHASED  STUFF ★★★★★★★
(though my sister technically bought both of them xP )
After 1-2 years of waiting and merely speculating about how awesome it would be, a very heavy box from Amazon came in the mail today- the long awaited ichi Q hachi yon/1Q84!!! (along with Evangelion: You Can [Not] Advance).  Rainy weather + impending dead internet -->  yet another Murakami coma.  And since it's so thick (think Harry-Potter-V.7-thick), I may be comatose for a while.

★★★★★★★★★★★★★GAMING STUFF ★★★★★★★

Early, EARLY yesterday morning (I had been resting earlier that night because I was feeling unwell, but woke up in the middle of the morning due to super stressful dreams), I finally got to meet up with my friend and go on my first adventure on the mainland continent around 5 in the morning !  haha.  No screenies posted today since they're on my laptop (that my sister is desperately trying to finish her now-late essay on), but hopefully, I'll have more to post and write about later~!  .... if not, I'm going to try and get back into maple while I still have internet... my cash shop items expire in December!  Must..... reach... level...100...

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